sobota, 12 października 2013

Gustavo Fring

Gustavo "Gus" Fring (played by Giancarlo Esposito) is the Chilean-born proprietor of Los Pollos Hermanos, a highly successful fried chicken restaurant chain. He is also a public booster for the local D.E.A. office and a member of the hospital board. However, despite outward appearances, Gus is a major drug kingpin initially affiliated with the Mexican drug cartel in Ciudad Juárez, who uses his restaurant as a front for methamphetamine distribution throughout the American southwest. Like Walter White, Gus is a criminal who "hides in plain sight", using his anti-drug philanthropy to conceal his true nature. Gus originally established Los Pollos Hermanos in Mexico several years previously, but emigrated to the United States when Don Eladio and Hector Salamanca murdered his cook and close friend, Maximino Arciniega, in retaliation for cutting into their business.
When Walt seeks a buyer for his chemically pure meth, he is put in contact with Gus. However, despite recognizing Walt's "excellent" product, Gus refuses to do business with him because the erratic and careless behavior of his partner, Jesse Pinkman. Walt manages to persuade Gus to purchase 38 pounds of his meth for $1.2 million; after the product yields good returns, Gus offers Walt $3 million for three months of his time. Gus' hiring and protection of Walt puts him at odds with the cartel's leadership, which considers Walt responsible for the death of Hector's nephew, Tuco. Gus directs Leonel and Marco Salamanca, two cartel assassins, to kill Walt's brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. He also arranges for the hit to fail, ensuring that the U.S. and Mexican governments crack down on the cartel and leave control of the methamphetamine market to Gus alone.
Despite Gus' initial protection of Walt, the collaboration between the two men becomes increasingly strained. Walt learns that Gus is grooming his regular cook, Gale Boetticher, to replace him, leading Walt to task a reluctant Jesse with killing Gale. When the hit succeeds, Gus silently slits the throat of one of his seconds-in-command, Victor, in front of the horrified duo. Walt becomes increasingly fearful that Gus will kill him and his family, causing him to look for numerous ways to kill Gus first. Gus dies in an explosion set up by Walter, who uses Hector Salamanca's hatred of Gus to lure Gus into a trap. Gus served as the main antagonist in season 3 and 4.

wtorek, 8 października 2013

Saul Goodman

Saul, originally of Irish descent, has had multiple wives in the past, one of whom he caught having sex with his stepfather. At a certain point, he developed a romantic relationship with his secretary, albeit short-lived. As a lawyer, Saul changed his real surname from McGill to Goodman, as he claims his clients feel more comfortable with (that they presume him to be) a Jewish lawyer instead of "white".
He has a highly stylized office in a cheap strip mall. With a repertoire that includes small-time drug busts, fraudulent insurance claims, class actions, and his overbearing manner, he might seem disreputable to police and certain other lawyers. Despite his shady appearance, Saul is indeed a highly competent extra-legal operator, adept at sniffing out legal loopholes and able to negotiate good deals on the behalf of his clients. He has a strong familiarity with the criminal trade and has connections to some of its most influential distributors, like Gus Fring. He also employs the services of a veteran private investigator named Mike, who respects Saul for who he is, and executes often illegal commands from Saul and Gus such as cleaning up crime scenes and bugging homes. Goodman is also not without integrity as he is shown to honor the ethics of his profession, particularly the attorney-client privilege, and is reluctant to involve himself with violence or murder.
Saul was introduced in the episode "Better Call Saul," following Badger's arrest for selling meth. After his arrest, Walt and Jesse contact Saul, as he is known as a criminal lawyer instead of a "criminal lawyer". Walter hires him to keep Badger out of prison. He soon becomes a regular character on Breaking Bad.

niedziela, 6 października 2013

Walter Hartwell "Flynn" White, Jr. is Walter and Skyler's teenage son and Holly's older brother. He has cerebral palsy, as manifested in speech difficulties and impaired motor control, for which he uses crutches (which Mitte does not require. His father's absences and bizarre behavior lead them to grow apart, leading Walter Jr. to have his friends teach him to drive and his wanting to be called "Flynn". In an effort to help his father pay for cancer treatment, Walter Jr. sets up the website,, which requests and collects donations. As part of a plan to launder Walt's drug profits, Walt's lawyer, Saul Goodman, arranges for a wave of donations drawn from Walter's drug money. When Skyler and Walter separate due to Walt's deceptions, Walter Jr. ultimately takes his father's side and stops answering to the name Flynn. However by "Ozymandias", Walter Jr. learns the true extent of his father's criminal activities and was in disbelief at first thinking both Skyler and his aunt, Marie were lying to him. After learning that his father has something to do with his uncle, Hank's death, he is betrayed and turns away from his father. During a fight between Walt and Skyler, Walter Jr. defends his mother by calling the cops on his father, forcing Walt to go on the run. In "Granite State", Walt attempts to win back his trust by asking him if he would retrieve $100,000 if he were to send it to his friends house. Walter Jr., still blaming him for killing Hank, tells Walt to leave them alone and just die from cancer.

sobota, 5 października 2013

Marie Schrader

Marie Schrader (née Lambert) is Skyler White's sister, the widow of DEA agent Hank Schrader, and the sister-in-law of Walter White. Marie is close with her sister, though her tendency to pry invariably irritates Skyler. Marie works a radiologic technologist at Kleinman Radiology Center, a medical scanning and X-ray office. She and Hank have no children.
Marie becomes a major source of comfort and support to her husband, who proves to be more emotionally fragile than he lets on. After Hank is shot and nearly killed by The Cousins, Marie arranges, with Walt and Skyler's help, for Hank to undergo an aggressive physical therapy program that is not covered by their insurance. Despite a rough patch in their relationship as Hank recovers, their marriage becomes loving again when Hank begins making progress with the Heisenberg case and she becomes stable enough to care emotionally for her family members. When Walt and Skyler begin to visibly have marriage problems, she volunteers to house the kids for a couple of days while they work things out. Marie loves the color purple, and nearly all her household and clothing items are various shades of purple.

środa, 2 października 2013

Hank was described as a jock in high school, and had a fixation on sport cars. His high energy and boisterous nature eventually led him to pursue a living in the DEA, where he would gradually work through the ranks to become the supervisor of all investigations handled by his Albuquerque office, under the watchful eye of ASAC George Merkert (Michael Shamus Wiles). Underneath his outward 'tough as nails' demeanor, he is shown to be struggling with some of his own vulnerabilities; he had cold feet when it came to marrying his wife, Marie, as well as suffering from PTSD and an explosive temper. He often attempts to hide these vulnerabilities, however, for fear of having his public image weakened.
Hank often uses racist and derogatory terms to describe Mexicans and Mexican Americans. These instances are sometimes subtle, as he equates his shoot-out with Tuco Salamanca with stomping on a "roach" that came from under a refrigerator. However, he is not portrayed as a very prejudiced individual, as he has a kind of brotherly connection with his partner, Steven Gomez, whom Hank nicknames "Gomie". Gomez is a Mexican-American, and he does not seem to outwardly mind Hank's insensitive belittling of people of Mexican heritage.
Nevertheless, he is shown to be a fiercely noble man, willing to risk everything if it means being morally correct. As a hobby, Hank home brews his own beer, which he calls Schraderbrau. He is also seen in several season four episodes collecting minerals, much to Marie's chagrin.

Jesse Pinkman

Jesse Bruce Pinkman was born in September 1984 into an upper middle-class family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the time the series starts, he has long been estranged from his parents due to his drug abuse and lifestyle. After being forced to leave his parents' residence, Jesse moved in with his Aunt Jenny, whom he cared for until her death from cancer; afterwards, he was allowed to stay in her home, whose ownership fell to Jesse's parents.
Jesse was a poor student in high school, largely due to his inattention and apathy. Walter White (Bryan Cranston), who Jesse almost always calls "Mr. White," was his chemistry teacher, and flunked him in his class. Walt himself later tells Jesse that he "never thought much" of him,[1] although his mother (Tess Harper) recalled that Walt "must have seen some potential in Jesse, he really tried to motivate him. He was one of the few teachers who cared. Pinkman would later deliver on that potential, producing a product on his own which Walt begrudgingly concedes is as good as what Walt himself produced and superior to that which was produced by Gale Boetticher (David Costabile), who held an advanced degree in chemistry. In "Say My Name," Walter refers to himself and Pinkman as "the two best meth cooks in America."

wtorek, 1 października 2013

Over the years, Skyler has had several meager sources of income: writing short stories, selling items on eBay, and eventually working as a bookkeeper for the Albuquerque firm Beneke Fabricators. She and her husband, Walter White, have a son, Walter Jr., and an infant daughter, Holly. Skyler is approximately eleven years younger than Walter, whom she met when she was a hostess at a diner near Walt's former place of work, near the Los Alamos National Laboratory.